Saturday, March 23, 2024
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM


12200 Bayleaf Church Road
Raleigh, NC 27614

Weather Update - March 22, 2024

Every year we look forward to this event so we can show hospitality to our community. It is a great time for our church family to gather in fellowship, but we also love welcoming others into our family.

We have been closely monitoring the weather forecast during our Easter Eggstravaganza schedule for this Saturday morning.

We have paid particular attention to the threat of rain and wind that would compromise the safety and quality of the event. After prayerful consideration and communication with event vendors, we are canceling the Easter Eggstravaganza on Saturday.

We still want to see you!

While we regret the weather affecting this event, we would love to welcome everyone to join us for worship on Sunday morning at either 8:30 AM or 11:00 AM! We would also love to see you at one of our events during Holy Week.

The event may not be happening, but the fun still carries on.

Pick up a bag of Easter eggs on Sunday to have your own hunt at home plus an ADDITIONAL bag to "egg" your neighbor's yard!

Each preschool and elementary child will receive a FULL bag of filled Easter eggs. Use these eggs to have your own egg hunt at home.

Your family will also receive a devotional book to help your family remember and celebrate the Easter season as well as an additional outreach bag filled with Easter eggs to bless another family by “egging” their yard.

How do I "egg" my neighbor's yard?

One evening or morning this week, use this second bag of eggs as an opportunity to love on another family in your neighborhood, in your child's school, on your child's sport's team, etc. by scattering the eggs all over their yard. Then, hang the provided blue invite bag on their front door that contains the Easter devotional book and invite card to our Easter services. If you are able, send them a simple text saying “you’ve been egged!” Continue to pray for and engage with the family whose front yard you egg.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Grace & Peace,

Bay Leaf Baptist Church
