Bay Leaf

The fall of 2023, we launched the Multiply Generosity Initiative at Bay Leaf, and over the past year, we've witnessed God do great things. As we enter the second year of this discipleship journey, we're both inspired and challenged by what God continues to do in and through us as a church.
Bay Leaf exists to make disciples locally and globally, and the Creedmoor Road project helps us to fulfill this mission in the greater Raleigh area. We also know that the multiplication that takes place at Creedmoor Road will allow for greater multiplication in the future, as we seek to plant more churches, help in revitalization efforts, and send more missionaries in accordance with the Great Commission.
You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.
2 Corinthians 9:11A Message from Pastor Jared
It was over 140 years ago that a group of people met for the first time to worship as Bay Leaf Baptist Church. It was a humble beginning, but God has blessed that step of obedience with incredible growth and used the people of Bay Leaf Baptist to accomplish His Kingdom purposes through the years. To be sure, thousands of lives have been changed for Christ and for all of eternity. We weren’t there on that first Sunday, but we are here now. And that makes us the fruit of the faithfulness of past generations to God and His gospel mission.
While we recognize and celebrate the incredible work of God through the years, we also know that God is not finished with us yet. The God who has done so much through Bay Leaf up to this point in our history wants to work in and through us yet again! We want to be that faithful generation today that sets the stage for the growth of another future generation.
And it’s that next work of God for us today, that next step of faithfulness, that we have been pursuing in Multiply. We know that God has entrusted us with this incredible property at 540 and Creedmoor Road. We know that God has called us to saturate north Raleigh with the gospel of Jesus Christ. That is why we feel led to multiply the ministry reach of Bay Leaf by launching a new campus on this property.
Over the past year, we have committed ourselves to this work through faithful prayer, giving, and service. Over the next year, we will further commit ourselves by sending a core team to begin the new campus. The launch of this new campus will certainly be another historic event in the rich history of our church.
Thank you, church family, for how you have supported this new work. Thank you for giving your time and resources to help us continue faithful ministry at our current campus while also preparing the way for this new season of ministry. We have truly been blessed by God, and we know that we have been blessed in every way to be generous in every way (2 Corinthians 9:11).
As we step into year two of Multiply, let’s ask God to continue to move in us and through us for His glory! Who knows what else God may do through a people who are wholly committed to multiply?
Grace and peace to you,
Senior Pastor
Make Your Commitment Today
The Primary Goal – 100% Engagement
An initiative for all of us
We challenge every person who calls Bay Leaf home to help us multiply the reach of our ministry.
Multiply our surrender
What are we holding back from the Lordship of Jesus Christ that we need to surrender to Him?
Multiply our faith
What steps do we need to take to move us out of our comfort zone and into a whole new experience of dependence upon Him?
Multiply our generosity
What new level of generosity do we need to attain to express our gratitude to God for what He has done?
The Secondary Goal – $18 Million
(Over the next two years)
The secondary goal of Multiply is a $18M demonstration of the faithfulness of God through the generosity of His people, enabling us to accomplish these exciting kingdom-building initiatives. This is more than we have done before, but with God and our very best, we can do it!
Multiply our current ministry: $7 million
We are committed to making disciples locally and globally for the glory of God. We want to make sure we can be faithful in the ministry God has already entrusted to us and grow it through our regular annual budget.
Multiply for future ministry: $11 million
We believe God has given us a vision to grow our ministry reach in North Raleigh and beyond. Investing in our Creedmoor Road campus will help us extend the reach of Bay Leaf to engage more people with the gospel for generations to come.